Forklift safety

Why Warehouse Safety is Important?

Warehouses can be dangerous places to work in. It is important to understand common warehouse dangers and hazards because they can cause injuries and in extreme cases death. Here are 8 of the most common warehouse safety hazards and safety tips and resources to help you identify and control them.

Warehouse Safety Tips to Help Minimize Hazards

  1. Forklifts

Forklifts are critical pieces of equipment used in warehousing and storage facilities. However, when operated incorrectly can cause serious damage to operators, nearby workers and property. Unsafe use of forklifts is the most often cited hazard in warehousing operations. Below are a few basic warehouse safety tips to follow in forklift use:

    • Ensure all forklift operators are competent and have completed certified training. Perform regular refresher training and evaluation when an operator is observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.
    • Perform daily pre-start forklift equipment inspections to check for controls and equipment damage.
  1. Docks

One of the worst accidents a worker could suffer when working in a warehouse is being pinned or crushed between a forklift truck and the loading dock. This typically occurs when a forklift runs off the dock and strikes a person. Follow the tips below to ensure the safety of workers:

    • Forklift operators must be attentive and drive slowly on dock plates, make sure dock edges are clear and safe to support loads.
    • Always ensure that warning signs and mechanisms are in place to prevent people from getting near docks.
  1. Conveyors

Conveyor equipment is commonly used in the transportation of goods from warehouse to warehouse. However, conveyors pose serious dangers to workers including getting caught in equipment and being struck by falling objects. To ensure warehouse safety, it is important to do the following:

    • Ensure proper safeguarding equipment between the conveyor and the worker to protect against the entanglement of clothing, body parts and hair.
    • Follow proper lockout tag-out procedures during conveyor maintenance and repairs.
  1. Materials storage

Improper stacking of loads and storage of materials on shelves can result in unintended slip and trip hazards for nearby workers.

    • Keep aisles and passageways clear and in good condition, this prevents workers from slipping, tripping, or falling.
    • Loads should be placed evenly and properly positioned, heavier loads must be stacked on lower or middle shelves. Always remember to remove one load at a time.
  1. Manual lifting/handling

The most common cause of physical injuries in warehouse and storage facilities involves improper manual lifting and handling. Failure to follow proper procedures can cause musculoskeletal disorders, especially if done with awkward postures, repetitive motions, or overexertion. Warehouse safety during manual lifting or handling can be ensured by doing the following:

    • Plan ahead and determine if the need for lifting can be minimized by applying good engineering design techniques.
    • Observe proper ergonomic posture when carrying or moving loads. If products are too heavy, ask assistance from a co-worker.
  1. Hazardous chemicals

When handling hazardous chemicals in your warehouse or storage facilities, a hazard communication program should be implemented. Your hazard communication program should cover effective training on identifying chemical hazards; proper handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals; and the use of appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). It is imperative that workers and management teams be knowledgeable in conducting better safety inspections and proper handling and storing of hazardous chemicals to ensure warehouse safety.

  1. Charging stations

Charging stations in warehouse facilities are used to refuel or recharge all powered equipment to function. Units may be powered by gasoline, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), or battery. If warehouse safety guidelines are not followed, fires and explosions can occur.

    • Charging stations should be away from open flames. Smoking should be prohibited. Fire extinguishers should be available and in good working condition in case of fire.
    • An adequate ventilation system must be installed to disperse harmful gases. Proper PPE should be worn. Eye-washing and shower facilities should be present should employees get exposed to acids and chemicals.
  1. Energized equipment

A Lockout/Tag-out (LOTO) program must be implemented in all warehouse operations to ensure that all energized equipment is properly shut off and to prevent employees from being caught between mechanical parts or being electrocuted. All affected workers must be trained on LOTO procedures and how to apply and remove LOTO devices after performing maintenance to ensure warehouse safety.

General Warehouse Safety Tips

Depending on the type of business, there are specific safety rules to be followed due to hazards that are also specific to the type of work people do. However, there are also warehouse safety rules that should be adhered to by workers in any warehouse. Below are a few general tips to follow to ensure warehouse safety, regardless of business or industry.

  • Ensure proper ergonomics at all times.
    Warehouse employees do a lot of heavy lifting, and it is important that they are trained in the proper lifting procedures so that they avoid hurting others and themselves. Your warehouse safety program should cover ergonomics in the workplace. Aside from proper lifting and operation of lifting tables, remind employees to maintain proper posture in general. If they have to do the manual lifting, train them in the proper techniques that will help protect the back and knees from injury.
  • Ensure that all fire hazards are minimized and that appropriate fire safety measures are in place.
    If you have an operating warehouse facility, you probably have all the necessary fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinklers as required by safety regulations in your area. While this is all well and good, it won’t matter if the people in the warehouse aren’t trained in their proper use. Schedule regular training and inspections to ensure that all employees are knowledgeable in fire safety processes and that all fire safety measures are in place and functioning as required.
  • Minimize cutting dangers and enforce safe handling of sharp objects.
    Workers in a warehouse environment handle a lot of packing and unpacking tasks; they constantly a lot of corrugated, metal, plastic straps and plastic pallet wrappings. This is why it’s vital that they use proper PPE and safety knives to avoid serious injury or death. Safety knives should retract automatically, limit the exposed cutting surface, and not require too much sharpening. All workers should also be trained in proper cutting techniques to ensure warehouse safety at all times.

If safety procedures and workplace hazards are disregarded in warehouses to cut costs, it exposes workers to serious risks of accidents and injury. Providing workers training on hazard awareness, conducting safety inspections, and implementing warehouse safety measures can help maintain a safe, secure and healthy working environment.

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